- Research -

My research applies a variety of state of the art machine learning techniques, and studies on how galaxies form and transform in the cosmic history. In paricular, I am working on developing a novel classification scheme for galaxy morphology, and aim to connect the fields studying on tracers in emission (i.e., mergers and local overdensities) and that relys on probes in absorption (i.e., the gaseous conditions of the circumgalactic medium and intergalactic medium) to build a conprehensive view of galaxy evolution. I have developed a variety of machine learning technqiues including both supervised and unsupervised approaches to support me unveiling the connection between different mechanisms that transform galaxy structures. The following blocks showcase my main research interests.

I am also collaborating in other projects regarding Lyman Continuum Leaker, strong gravitational lensing, anomaly detection, and gravitational wave (non-exhausted list). A full collection of my (and collaborated) publications can be found at ADS.

Galaxy Morphology

Lyα Forest and IGM/CGM

Extremely Metal-poor Galaxies